Choose from 3 business Italian courses in Sestri Levante
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Business Italian courses in Sestri Levante are for business executives and professionals who want to study Italian to be able to do business internationally.
- 2 grammar group lessons/day in the morning
- 2 conversation group lessons/day in the morning - PLUS 5 one-to-one lessons/week in the afternoon.
In the "plus business" lessons in the afternoon students can deepen their knowledge of the Italian language, specifically in a way that can be applied to the world of business.
- 2 grammar group lessons/day in the morning
- 2 conversation group lessons/day in the morning - PLUS 10 one-to-one lessons/week in the afternoon.
In the "plus business" lessons in the afternoon students can deepen their knowledge of the Italian language, specifically in a way that can be applied to the world of business.
This course is designed for those who would like to deepen their knowledge specifically on how the Italian language can be applied to the corporate world.
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