Choose from 3 professional English courses in Manchester
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Professional English courses in Manchester are for professionals who want to study English in a specific area, such as business, medicine, law, aviation, and hospitality.
This communicative, interactive and vocabulary-rich class in Malvern House Manchester makes full use of London as an international hub for many industries. You will improve your language skills, boost both your confidence and your CV.
Our Academic Year Programme is ideal for students who wish to study an intensive English course for a longer period of time (24 – 44 weeks), and who would like to study in the UK or who use English in their everyday working life. With commitment from you, our team of professionals will help you to improve your English at a rapid rate, with regular academic meetings with your personal tutor and the Academic Manager.
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15% discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
This communicative, interactive and vocabulary-rich class in Malvern House Manchester makes full use of London as an international hub for many industries. You will improve your language skills, boost both your confidence and your CV.
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