Choose from 10 spanish teacher training courses in Andalucia
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Spanish teacher training courses in Andalucia are for teachers interested in teaching Spanish abroad. There is a tremendous demand for qualified Spanish teachers worldwide with job opportunities in just about every country around the globe.
The main objective of our training course “Curso práctico de 1 y 2 semanas - perfeccionamiento y reciclaje para profesores NO-NATIVOS de español como lengua extranjera - Niveles C1/C2” is to offer non-native Spanish teachers the opportunity to update and perfect their knowledge of the Spanish language and to exchange experiences regarding methodological and pedagogical issues.
Speaking exercises focus on the study of Spanish culture, so that teachers practice and improve their language skills while learning...
Enhance your Spanish teaching skills through our Observation ELE classes. Gain valuable insights and effective methods to optimize your teaching practice!
Enhance your Spanish teaching skills through our Observation ELE classes. Gain valuable insights and effective methods to optimize your teaching practice!
This course is for non-native teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE), who wish to improve, deepen and refresh their knowledge of the language.
It helps the teachers obtain new language and teaching skills that can be used in their own classrooms.
The Spanish for Spanish Teachers course is designed for non-native Spanish educators interested in learning the latest and most effective approaches to Spanish teaching while brushing up and updating their own Spanish skills. The course also focuses on common and difficult grammar issues and practical ways to clearly present them in the classroom.
The program for Spanish teachers is specifically designed for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language (ELE) who would like to expand upon and update their knowledge of foreign language teaching methodologies and resources. Participants will increase their pedagogical expertise by discussing methodological topics, such as how to teach grammar and vocabulary, how to integrate culture into the lessons, and how to plan a class integrating new technologies; and by observing different Spanish language classes and...
The teacher training course is a two week course with 20 lessons / week and it is offered not only for teachers with a proficiency level of Spanish but also for teachers with other levels of the language or students who want to become teachers.
There are three options, depending on the participants’ needs:
OPTION A: For teachers of primary or secondary school with an independent use of the language (B1- Beginner), who wish to improve their grammatical and cultural skills aiming at Spanish teaching.
his course is specially designed for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language or those interested in starting their career in this prosperous sector.
This course provides you with an extensive ELE didactic material and everything you need to competently manage your future Spanish classes/teaching.
At Spanish Institute, education is our passion – and we take special care of our courses for teachers, as we love to share and spread knowledge in the global classroom of Seville. With that in mind, we proudly present a course that Spanish Institute for Global Education has offered for teachers of Spanish as a Foreign Language for more than 20 years! Come to Spain and enrich your teaching and your life while sharing the experience with teachers from all over the world.
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*Prices are subject to change without notice due to exchange rates.
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