There are a list of document that we need to collect from the student. The student also need to settle the course fee before we start with the visa process. The visa will take 6-8 weeks to process. After the visa is issued, the student can choose to pick up from is in HK or you can send it to them by DHL (additional cost will be charged). This is the checklist:
a) passport copy
b) bank statement with official English translation (if not in your name, we need passport copy of bank account holder. If it is a parent, we need your birth certificate copy too)
c) school documents with official English translation
d) signed document to confirm all visits to HK with dates (if any)
e) work documents (if you have not had a job this is not required)
f) purpose letter (see attached to edit & sign)
g) payment of course fees
h) Rate bill or Tenancy agreement as accommodation proof.
i) ID995A immigration application form
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