Choose from 5 professional English courses in British Columbia
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Professional English courses in British Columbia are for professionals who want to study English in a specific area, such as business, medicine, law, aviation, and hospitality.
Receive a Diploma in Hospitality and Service Management by completing this 26-week program!
Successful students will receive a diploma and acquire knowledge in the hospitality and service industries by learning from top industry professionals and instructors. Through this PTIB registered program, students will gain Canadian work experience in tourism and hospitality, as well as receive a diploma from inlingua Victoria.
Develop English skills and vocabulary for use in medical environments:
Intensive program designed for medical students and professionals who want to develop their medical English
Gain the ability to describe and explain medical symptoms and procedures in English
Learn to communicate effectively in medical situations
12 Weeks for Diploma or 4 weeks per Certificate
Our project based Professional Certificates programme gives you a unique learning experience to improve
your business skills and learn new strategies to enhance your career or further studies. Stafford House are
the pioneers of the Professional Certificate programme and we have designed our offering in partnership
with top business academics to equip you for the challenges faced in the business word.
Our project based Professional Certificates programme gives you a unique learning experience to improve
your business skills and learn new strategies to enhance your career or further studies. Stafford House are the pioneers of the Professional Certificate programme and we have designed our offering in partnership
with top business academics to equip you for the challenges faced in the business word.
Our project based Professional Certificates programme gives you a unique learning experience to improve
your business skills and learn new strategies to enhance your career or further studies. Stafford House are the pioneers of the Professional Certificate programme and we have designed our offering in partnership with top business academics to equip you for the challenges faced in the business word.
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*Prices are subject to change without notice due to exchange rates.
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